Monday, November 30, 2009

Psalm 25:1-10

Psalm 25:1-10

The cry of the psalmist is plain. It reaches to the heart of every person “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.” In other words, God what do you want me to do? What direction do you want me to go? life, in love, in our jobs,… “Show me your path!!”, are words that I have said often enough in life, when it was not clear to me what God wanted me to do. So we cry out to our God for help, for clarity, for a sense of purpose and for a sense of love. Then we remember that our God, the psalmist’s God, is a loving God. A faithful God. A God who promises to forget the sins of our youth, our transgressions. A God who sacrificed everything, for the sake of humanity. To bring us back into his arms of love.

Holy God, thank you for teaching me to trust in you. For showing me my path and for walking with me. Be with me today as I face the world. Amen